Exhibition of the international social Art project «Happy Plate» Sheremetev Palace-Museum of music, Saint Petersburg, Russia Russian House of Science and Culture, Berlin, Deutschland Bibliotheek Zwanenveld, Nijmegen, Nederland Stadhuis, Nijmegen, Nederland Instituto Statale D'Arte "F.Mengaroni", Pesaro, Italy. Palazzo Ducale, Urbino, Italy. Centro Sociale L'Asilo, Pesaro, Italy. L'oratorio della chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta, Monteccio(PU), Italy. Sala di Delegazione comunale, Padiglione(PU), Italy. Zentrum fur Fluchtlinge, Berlin, Germany. Kremlin, Moscow, Russia Archaeological Museum, Trinitapoli, Italy Lermontov Library, St. Petersburg, Russia Central District Library, Pushkin, Russia Library on Kadetsky, Pushkin, Russia Author and curator/artist of the art project Tatjana Egmond in collaboration with the Municipality of Nijmegen, Nederland
8 oktober 2016 bibliotheek Zwanenveld Nijmegen Nederland Exhibition-installation "Rain of Happiness" and a master class in the framework of the international cultural art project "Happy Plate"